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Acupuncture in Heathfield, East Sussex

Acupuncture has been practised for thousands of years and is now widely offered as a safe and effective alternative to many conventional medical treatments.

Acupuncture is said to promote overall wellness and balance in the body.

I offer acupuncture treatments in Cross-in-Hand, near Heathfield, East Sussex.

I am a generalist (so work with a range of issues) but also have a particular interest and specialist training in Women’s Health.

Contact me to see how I can help you on your path to wellness!

My Approach

Detailed Consultation

Comprehensive case history, body diagnosis and pulse taking

Tailored Plan

Bespoke treatment plan tailored to you

Review and Fine Tune

Focused reviews of your body’s response to treatment

Fran talking to acupuncture patient

What my patients say

“Fran is very considerate and patient with my needs and always finds a way to make me feel better and happier.”

“The treatment with Fran was amazing every single time.”